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CSOS-IMS Interdisciplinary Workshop – 29th June

by Political Economy Research Centre


Aeron Davis Inaugural Lecture – POSTPONED

by Political Economy Research Centre


PERC Paper 7: Public-Commercial Hybridity at BBC News Online

The BBC is generally seen as a publicly funded broadcaster, independent of advertising and kept fairly autonomous from government. However, as Kate Wright’s paper here shows, large cuts have encouraged the corporation to seek additional advertising from its international-facing online version. Over a relatively short period this has meant changes to editorial parameters and to […]

by Kate Wright


Back to ‘Bastards’ … Europe and the Tory Party

It’s only been a month but the long-predicted Conservative Party civil war over Europe is back. Over the week-end, the rebels were out in force demanding real rather than lip-service change in the European Treaty. Resignations and no votes were threatened. Cameron fired back this morning calling a few bluffs. But, with a tiny majority […]

by Aeron Davis


The Corruption of Happiness

Gary Becker, who died last year, should be considered one of the most influential thinkers of our times. A leading member of the Chicago School of economics since the 1960s, his influence has been far more pervasive and subtle than that typically attributed to economists. Where many high-profile economists like Jeffrey Sachs and Lawrence Summers […]

by Will Davies


Happiness beyond the ‘happiness industry’ – discussion & book launch, 24th June

Happiness today has become an object of measurement, management, optimisation and detection via the body. It is something that concerns medics, economists and marketers, to be expertly visualised and mapped. While this agenda is not new, it is experiencing a major technologically-driven acceleration right now, diverting political and ethical hopes into an expanding infrastructure of […]


Is Happiness Worth Measuring?

In advance of his forthcoming book, The Happiness Industry, Will Davies debated the politics and value of happiness measurement with leading happiness economist, Andrew Oswald, in this Guardian article.